I love my kids. I love them all of the time, but I have these love surges throughout everyday when I know it is not possible to love anything more than I do each of them.
Yesterday, we went to get a haircut for Daniel and pj's for Elizabeth. So, as we got ourselves together and out the door, I kept saying this outloud. I have been known to go to a store for one particular item recently, and then walk out without it. Late last week, it was a humidifier for Elizabeth because she has her first cold. We get in the car and Daniel and I start chatting. I said, "What are we going to do at the mall?" He said, "Haircut and pajamas for Wizef!" (love surge) Whenever we go into kids' clothing stores, he brings me things and says, "Wook mommy, it's cute." if it's for a girl. (love surge) And, he told me in Sketchers that he needed new shoes as he lined up the sandals on the bench. (love surge) We left, came home for a nap, and then went to Whole Foods, where he had a ball in produce bringing me food we didn't need. I used one of the double decker basket carts so he could put food in the bottom, and that was very successful. Daniel enjoys the grocery store, and generally, he stays with me if I keep him busy. We got in his favorite line, which as this display of stuffed birds from the Audobon Society. We get in this line every time, no matter what. I figure, it's a simple pleasure. So yesterday, I had Elizabeth in the Baby Bjorn because the carts at Whole Foods are not big enough to support the infant seat. I needed Daniel's help to reach some of the items in the bottom basket because I couldn't reach them with her in the carrier. I know that my little man wanted to go and be with his birds more than anything, but those little two year old hands worked as fast as I have ever seen them handing me the food before he scurried over to check out the birds and start chatting with another little boy who was also checking them out. (love surge) By the time we got home, we were both worn out. I didn't realize how much energy I had expended carrying 14 lbs. 4 oz. of love around, and pushing the cart, managing a two year old, trying to keep track of all of the food we needed and get out of there in under an hour so I didn't have to pay for parking. He was hungry, and I was tired which means a meltdown is coming. He had it, and I ignored it and unloaded groceries. Finally, he told me he had to "go potty" so he calmed down. He looked so pitiful, all blotchy, and I was so tired, I just said, "I need a hug." So we wrapped our arms around each other and took some deep breaths. I said, "Feel better?" He said, "Yes." I said, "Me, too." (love surge)
I have a love surge just about anytime Daniel and Elizabeth interact. It is amazing to me that I can tell that they love each other. He will be talking to her or trying to play with her and stop and look at me and say, "I wuv her, Mommy." and give her a kiss. Elizabeth belly laughed for the first time at him last Wednesday. We were in the car driving home from buying window safety guards that ended up not fitting, and Elizabeth got a little fussy. So I said, "Daniel, talk to her." I don't know what he did, but she knew he was giving her attention, because she just started to laugh. And he loved it, too! Daniel was so excited, "She waffing! Mommy, she waffing!" I could have cried, it was such a great moment - in the car, in Chevy Chase, at a stoplight.
Elizabeth is a sweet, sweet baby. She is rarely unhappy. But, when she is, she'll let you know, that is for sure. I say she has Scott's disposition, which is a good thing, but I get a kick of her yelling out, because that means there's some me in there, too. Elizabeth coos and gurgles all of the time now. She will look you right in the eye with those big blue eyes and long, thick lashes and tell you a story. (love surge) It is so great to have that interaction. When I go in to get her out of bed, and she's been doing this for well over a month, she gives me a huge grin. It makes the 2 a.m. feedings start off on a great note. That is always a love surge for me. I am cutting back on my nursing to try and wean more gradually this time than I did with Daniel. Not knowing any better, and being so tired, I just quit nursing cold turkey with him. Physically - not smart. Daniel handled it just fine though. He was exactly three months old. With Elizabeth, my desire to have her sleeping through the night is driving the weaning train. So, I've cut back to nursing half the time this week. Still physically uncomfortable, but much more manageable. Although, Elizabeth is resisting a bit more - but, she's a month and a half older than Daniel was. That's significant at this stage of infancy. Anyway, I digress. So, I was nursing her the other night before putting her to bed. And, towards the end, she would eat a little bit, and then stop to look up at me and "talk" a little. Then, she'd eat of a minute and do it again. She did it about four times as if to say, "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you...." and "just one more thing...." (love surge) Elizabeth is doing a good job during her tummy time, but she hasn't rolled yet. She is grabbing things and sucking on her fingers, but no thumb! Diaper time and dressing time is so much fun because she just kicks and coos and grins. I call it her tap dancing. Daniel loves to crawl up on the crib and watch, and even get in the crib with her and do it, too. (love surge) I just have to make sure he doesn't kick or squash her in the process - Elizabeth is going to be a tough cookie. She has chubby little thighs and cheeks, and all three of us could just eat her up at any moment.
This blog entry has been all of the place - that's what I get for not doing it more regularly! I will upload pics soon.