Motherhood Is Not For Wimps!

The outlet for the thoughts of a tell-it-like-it-is, first-time mom who is no longer employed "outside the home."

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Our daughter has announced, "I not wike big girl panties. I wub (love) diapers." This is a challenge because the child is most definitely ready to be potty trained. Not only can she pull her pants up and down, she can strip off her diaper and go play, and then come to us and say, "I need diaper now."

I have told her that if she wants to go to school in the fall like Daniel, she has to use the potty. This usually results in a whimper and, "I wub my diapers. I don't wike the potty."

Whoever said potty training girls was easier never met my daughter!! Will let you know when we lower the iron fist and just make her!

We were just hanging out at home watching the end of the Masters, and she said, "Push pause. I need go potty." So, Scott paused the TV. She got off the couch walked to the middle of the room and paused for about a minute. She walked back to the couch, sat down next to him and said, "Okay, I done now."


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