Today, Daniel's friends Emma and Christopher came over to play. I wish I had taken some pictures because it was hilarious! Their moms, Alison and Joanne, and I first got together in November when Daniel and Emma were around six weeks old and Christopher was just shy of six months. What a difference ten months makes! The kids were jabbering away at each other - actually, Daniel was yelling his jabber! They took toys from each other, knocked each other over, and had an overall good time. Daniel did get a bit territorial at times, which Alison, bless her heart, says is a sign of intelligence. I think it means he is high strung! He and Emma tug-o-warred over a puffs container, and then he screamed at her when she took it away! So, I got him his own container, and if she even came near it, he yelled! It was my first instance of parent embarassment. Emma took it all in stride.
Have I mentioned our house has become a motor speedway? Daniel is a MACHINE with his push cart. He pushes it all day long. Now, I take him outside so he can push it up and down the sidewalk. It is nice to meet the neighbors and see them out and about. Next door to us is a four month old girl, and next to her are four month old twins, a boy and a girl. Maybe they will be playmates for Daniel in a few months so he learns to socailly interact!!