Motherhood Is Not For Wimps!

The outlet for the thoughts of a tell-it-like-it-is, first-time mom who is no longer employed "outside the home."

Friday, April 14, 2006

squealing and baseball

We took Daniel to Nationals' Opening Day on Tuesday. It was a beautiful, sunny day. The verdict is still out on whether or not Daniel enjoyed himself. He did not know what to think of the noise. Everytime the crowd clapped and cheered, he cried. Not for long though. He would just do a 10-30 second crumpling of his face and shout. We walked with him A LOT, which I know he enjoyed. Daniel is all about what is going on around him. During the 5th inning, he started fussing and rubbing his eyes, so I walked him to sleep. He took a 30 minute nap, which I thought was good amid the continued cheering.

Yesterday, Daniel started yelling. Loudly. He was not upset; I think he was doing it because he figured out he could. I was holding him and talking with Scott's mom and he just lets out a roar. His face got red and he clenched his fists. Then, he laughed.

I am going to download some pictures today, I promise!


Blogger JAB said...

It's great when they find their "voice". You will find that complete jibberish is funny.

E has a few words (the standard mama, dada, dog & then a few others) but when she gets really excited it's just all "Jibby, Jibby" and "Dubby dubby".

The whole way home from the zoo Saturday it was "dubby dubby". Litterally - the whole way...loud, soft, slow, fast - every known variation of "dubby, dubby". I don't know why, it's just her thing! And when toddlers get stuck on something - they are really stuck on it!

12:00 PM  
Blogger NB-C said...

It's never too early to give him an appreciation for the great American past time...I can't wait to see the pics!

9:28 PM  

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