Motherhood Is Not For Wimps!

The outlet for the thoughts of a tell-it-like-it-is, first-time mom who is no longer employed "outside the home."

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

A lot on my mind....

It's been a while, I know. I have a lot on my mind. One would think that all of the questions in my head would make it so easy to sit down and blog, but my mind is too cloudy to write.

That doesn't make sense. It's like there is so much in my head that I can't get my thoughts straight.

I am worried.
I am stressed.

I am worried about Jill, my new friend from Target, my condo on the market, and my body which seems to have many new ailments since giving birth.

I am stressed because we are moving in just under two weeks, will have two mortgages, and because nothing seems to be making Daniel happy this morning.

Aaahhhhh...adulthood. Here are some fun pics of Daniel that perk me up. The chin strap is for you, Nat.


Blogger The Notorious N.A.T said...

Look at my big boy! Big boy! (Like in that fun Citi commercial) I love the chin strap and he is going to be tall like his dad. You can tell. Thanks for posting. Was getting worried about you. Will call you tonight...

1:16 PM  
Blogger JAB said...

Yes, one's body does do strange things after babies! I have often told E that I love her dearly but she has caused much havoc on my innards! Two major surgeries and my shoes are a size bigger too!

2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG, he is adorable!!

7:33 PM  

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