Motherhood Is Not For Wimps!

The outlet for the thoughts of a tell-it-like-it-is, first-time mom who is no longer employed "outside the home."

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Mu Omicron Mu

Daniel is 5 months old today! It is hard to believe that exactly 5 months ago I had the most extreme day of my life. I think about labor and delivery regularly. I look at Daniel and cannot believe that he lived inside me and that I pushed him out. Delivery was seriously the most exhausting, painful, and exhilerating thing I have ever done....even with an epidural.

Ever since Daniel was born, I have noticed a new connection I seem to have with other mothers, even complete strangers. No matter their age, there is this understanding of sorts between us. In just five months, there are some events I can now say I've "been there" for - labor, delivery, NICU, blood tests and shots, pediatricians, colds, sleepless nights, sagging body parts, etc., and that shared experience, no matter how different the details, creates a link between us.

I am a fully initiated member of the mom sorority - Mu Omicron Mu. No matter the age, any woman with a child of her own is an initiate of this sorority. Fathers cannot join Mu Omicron Mu, and the reasons for that will be saved for a future blog.

Facts about Mu Omicron Mu:
Founded - Garden of Eden
Colors - Pastel Pink and Blue
Badge - Silver Diaper Pin with a Spit Up Glaze
Pledge Period - Pregnancy/Waiting for Adoption
Initiation - Labor and Delivery
Dues - Pledge Fee - Maternity Clothes, Initiation Fee - Stitches, Monthly Dues - Competitive Fellow Mothers Who Feel the Need to Tell You How Much Harder They Have It And How Much More They Accomplish On A Daily Basis (women are still women! Watch out if you join a mom's group!)

I recognized this link early on, but I have become more aware of my membership in Mu Omicron Mu in the past few weeks. I feel a connection with the patrons of Safeway, Starbucks, CVS, and the Metro who, like me, are tending to their offspring while trying to complete what used to be uncomplicated errands. I made a new friend in the baby food aisle at Target last week for Pete's sake!!! Mothers who were just social acquaintances before 10/7/05 are now women I go to for advice! I have an even deeper appreciation and respect for both of my parents.

I am impelled to reach out to the pledges of Mu Omicron Mu, i.e. pregnant women, while I am out and about. Smiles of encouragement and questions about their well being come flying out of my mouth! I do not, however, offer obnoxious, unsolicited advice to these women as so often happened to me as I waddled my way through D.C. and Annapolis last spring and summer. No need for hazing, pregnancy is bad enough at times!

Noreal need to wear "letters" or a pin because the food residue on my shirt, scent of Johnson's baby lotion on my hands, and bags under my eyes will tell anyone who notices I am a Mu Omicron Mu.


Blogger The Notorious N.A.T said...

Well, although I cannot relate at this point in time I would like to join this sorority after having children (assuming my uterus doesn't shrivel up and turn to dust before long)...You know me, I'm quite the joiner and I love sorority activities. Since I am a professional sorority girl this would be a good way to continue...

9:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is this still a sorority were can i get more info. Im in NY i am sure there are alot of woman here that would love to join

11:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this post! FYI "MOM" Mu Omicron Mu Sorority was also a factual founded greek lettered-organization in the mid -2000's. Not sure if it still exists however. Another is Mu Tau Rho.

11:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I googled "Mu Omicron Mu" and it is an actual organization founded in 2005 at Northern Illinois University, but there was no contact information on the second rate website. I always wanted to "Go Greek" but it was frowned upon in my circle of friends when I was in college. Now that I'm married with children and years past my college career I regret not rushing. If anyone knows of a "real" sorority geared towards mothers, please let me know-

10:32 AM  

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