Motherhood Is Not For Wimps!

The outlet for the thoughts of a tell-it-like-it-is, first-time mom who is no longer employed "outside the home."

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

thank you

I am glad for this holiday because it forces us to reflect on the blessings in our life. It is too easy, at times, to focus on the negative. So, here's my list of thanks this year --

The inspiration of this blog. Daniel James is above all else, the best thing I have ever done with my life. He is a growing, walking, babbling miracle who makes me feel like I have true purpose on this Earth.

My husband is the best friend and life partner I could have ever found. I am thankful that the stars aligned and being a professional sorority girl took me to Wake Forest University to reconnect with him. I knew within a month of meeting him 9 1/2 years ago that he was unlike anyone I had ever known. I'm glad that I took his name. He is my soul mate.

Mom and Dad are my rocks. What a year, what a stage of my life, and they are there for me every step of the way. Most of the time I don't even have to ask, they just know and do. I will never be able to repay them, I know it. At least I can give them grandchildren.

The Denney 6 will be 13 by May. My siblings are a reflection of me at my core. I am thankful to them for busting my chops when I need it, and being the people I am most comfortable with in my own skin. I am proud of the adults they have become. I am thankful that we can really talk to each other. Our memories make me want to have a big family too.

The memories that my GC girls give to me. They keep me going when I feel less than interesting, because you know what? We are always interesting together. I miss you and can't wait to celebrate Nat's 3-0 next weekend. I am thankful for their rescue last August and in June - they knew I needed them, and I didn't have to ask.

The city of Washington, D.C. Forget the government mishaps and political mumbo jumbo, it is a GREAT city that has become home to me. I became/am becoming an adult here. Thank you for an urban family of friends from all over. Thank you for being diverse and teaching me understanding and tolerance of people from all walks of life, from all over the world with different first languages and religions. We love the Nats, the monuments, the Capitol Bldg, the Metro, the Zoo that make this city unique.

The other first-time moms who keep me sane. A. Albert in particular.

Having only one roof over my head at this time.

Fitting into pre-Daniel clothes.

Email to keep me connected.

The microwave and toaster.

Cultural Care Au Pair and the opportunity to work part-time as a stay-at-home mom.

Dansko clogs.

Pacifiers and blankies.

Jill's safe return.

Georgetown University Medical Center - specifically the departments of neonatology, pediatric hematology, OBGYN, and adult hematology.

Helpful strangers.

Sign language.

Having more than enough in every aspect of my life, especially love.


Blogger The Notorious N.A.T said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you! I hope Daniel eats as much as he wants to and maybe you should get some feathers and glue them to his back so he looks like a turkey. That would be funny. :-) See you next week in the big C-BUS!

7:54 PM  
Blogger NB-C said...

Can't wait to see you!

5:25 PM  

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