Motherhood Is Not For Wimps!

The outlet for the thoughts of a tell-it-like-it-is, first-time mom who is no longer employed "outside the home."

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Amazing Super-Daniel

My son is AMAZING. He is intelligent. Many of you are thinking, "Whatever SEDW, he is your kid, of course you feel this way." I have proof that he is a genius in the making.
  • He already knows where to look for his favorite things - out the front door for James who lives across the street; out the back door for when his daddy comes home; out his bedroom window to watch his favorite doggies run and play in the park.
  • Our neighbors bought him a tee ball set for his birthday. Scott hit the ball with the bat three times, and Daniel walked right over, took the bat, and did it himself!
  • When I make him a toaster waffle in the a.m., I say, "hot," as I take it out of the toaster. Yesterday afternoon, we were in the kitchen, and I had him sitting on the counter in front of me. He pointed over my shoulder at the toaster and said, "Hot, hot!" (Take off the "t" sound at the end for exact pronunciation.)
  • Tonight, my friend Katie came over for dinner. She would put a bottle cap in one hand, close her fists, and have him choose. He picked up on her game so fast! After a few times of guessing the wrong hand, he started opening both of her fists at the same time.
  • If you ask him where his shoes are, he looks at his feet. Not the exact meaning of the question, but he knows what shoes are!
  • He will pull a book off the shelf by himself and turn the pages and start "reading" aloud.
  • He can spot a Cheerio from a mile away....okay, across the room. And, if he wants some of this magic snack food, he walks into the kitchen and points to the top of the refrigerator where we keep them.
  • We read this great book to him called, I Love You Through and Through. When we get to the part where we read about loving hands and feet, he sticks his foot up in the air!

I feel like he has officially crossed the threshold into toddlerhood, now that he is walking everywhere, but he will always be my baby!


Blogger The Notorious N.A.T said...

The boy is a genius. The cheerio thing cracked me up. XXOO to the boy.

2:28 PM  

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