Motherhood Is Not For Wimps!

The outlet for the thoughts of a tell-it-like-it-is, first-time mom who is no longer employed "outside the home."

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Mr. Personality

Just call my son "Mr. Personality." He is really blossoming! Jabbering away at anyone and everything, Danial is such an interactive baby. He is still in love with dogs and little kids. We went to visit Gramps and Gigi last weekend where Daniel frolicked with the poodle of some friends of theirs. The dog loved Daniel and Daniel just laughed and squealed whenever Cody came over to smell him and lick him. His latest facial expressions include wrinkling his nose and pushing his lips together up under his nose. Oh, and he thinks it's fun to stick his tongue out at you and get you to do it back to him. Daniel will point to things that he wants! And he also points to things and jabbers at you, so I think he explaining and describing the item to me. Right now, it happnes to be the elephants, giraffes, and polka dots on his high chair.

He is taking small steps to get between his cruising posts. He did it for the first time on Thursday, August 31st. It's okay with me if he waits a little bit longer to start really walking. I don't know if I can stomach the bumps and injuries. He poked himself in the eye yesterday and mildly scratched his cornea and I barely escaped a nervous breakdown!

We started a sign language playgroup this week. If Daniel takes to the sign language, that will be a bonus. I really just want him to be around some other babies his age on a regular basis. I don't think any baby his age shares or really plays, but last time we went he yelled at the other ones and threw his toys at them! We play roll the ball back and forth a lot, so I think he expected the other kids to throw them back to him.

I am so glad the weather is finally cooling off and we can get outside some more. If I had a solution for the mosquitos in our back yard, we'd probably spend a lot more time out there. They will die off sooner or later, right?

I am way behind in downloading photos, so I promise to post some in the next day or so. The au pair business has been extremely busy the last couple of weeks, so I am off to do interviews and meetings with host families an au pairs almost every evening after Scott comes home.


Blogger The Notorious N.A.T said...

I can't believe he's almost a year old! You must download some new pictures. I bet he's changed so much even in the last month!

8:55 PM  

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