Motherhood Is Not For Wimps!

The outlet for the thoughts of a tell-it-like-it-is, first-time mom who is no longer employed "outside the home."

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Love someone so much it made you cry?

If you have ever completed one of those friend-to-friend surveys about all of your favorites and experiences, you have probably answered this question. Most of the time, the responses I have seen reply in the affirmative.

When I have answered this question previously, I have always been referring to breakups or difficult times in a romantic relationship when I was upset and cried. Earlier this week when I answered the question on the latest email survey, I was thinking of something completely different.

There have been moments when I am with my son that I have cried because of how much I love him. I remember when we first brought him home - one evening I was sitting on the bed nursing him and I became so overwhelmed by the emotion I have for him. I looked at Scott and just bawled because of how much I love our son and how thankful I am for him. My love for Daniel is unconditional in the truest sense. I never knew that I could adore another person quite like this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was thinking about how we answered the questions this time around. It is so true... now being a mother you think about different things... in our case our sons. It is funny to think though, when dating we would think what would we ever do without our boyfriends. We have entered a new stage in our lives that we treasure. It is the right way to feel and think!!!!LOL ALI

11:56 AM  

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